What will change in flat-rate taxation in 2024?

Compared to previous years, the rules on flat-rate taxation will change only slightly in 2024, but it is worth taking a moment to familiarise yourself with the changes.

Although there were several media scares at the end of the year, most of these were eventually removed from the amendments (and would basically only apply from 2025). There are two important changes that all self-employed flat-rate taxpayers should be aware of in 2024: the minimum tax payments and limits for 2024 and the changes to the business suspension rules.

Minimum tax payments and limits for 2024

The most important change that affects everyone: the increase in the minimum wage means that the annual tax-free limit and the monthly minimum income will also increase. The table below summarises the current and increased amounts. The increase for the minimum wage is already live from December 2023, but the annual limit will only be affected from 2024. This is set by the minimum wage in January, so it will not increase in the year even if the minimum wage were to increase further.

The annual tax-free limits for the different expense rates are as follows:

Expense rate20232024
40%2 320 000 HUF2 668 000 HUF
80%6 960 000 HUF8 004 000 HUF
90%13 920 000 HUF16 008 000 HUF

With the increase in the minimum wage and the guaranteed minimum wage, the minimum income payable by full-timer flat-rate taxpayers has increased as follows:

Minimum wage payable (social security contribution + social contribution tax) for non-qualified jobs76 850 HUF88 378 HUF
Minimum wage payable (social security contribution + social contribution tax) for qualified jobs98 183 Ft107 988 HUF

This means that for jobs that do not require professional qualifications (e.g. food delivery), the monthly payabel tax is now 88 378 HUF, which is 11 528 HUF more than before. For activities requiring a qualification, the monthly amount increases by 9669 HUF to 107 988 HUF.

IMPORTANT: these amounts already include the minimum contributions for December!

Part-times self-employeds still do not have to pay minimum tax!

Changes in business suspension

Business suspension is a question that often arises, and from 2024 we will have to take a slightly different approach. Until now, self-employed full-time workers had to pay the minimum contribution per day in the month of suspension, but from 2024, the full monthly minimum contribution (min. 88 378 HUF) must be opadi if you are active for up to 1 day in the month.

The good news, however, is that the tax authority's position is that income that is still actively invoiced but only arrives during the suspension period should be booked for the month of issue, so there is no need to maintain an active business until the last payments are received.

In short, this means that from now on you should start the suspension of your business on the last day of the month.

In the case of start-up and termination, the rules on pro rata temporis remained the same.

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